Southampton to play leading role in fast-tracked COVID-19 treatment trial
Southampton to play leading role in fast-tracked COVID-19 treatment trial.
May 06 2020
Government support package for universities and students
The Government has announced a range of measures to protect students and the higher education sector from the impact of coronavirus.
May 04 2020
University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine to lead drug trial into treatment of COVID-19
Southampton researchers are trialling an inhaled drug that could prevent worsening of COVID19 in those most at risk.
May 04 2020
Royce to launch sustainability Hub to support Greater Manchester SMEs with plastics innovations
Henry Royce Institute has been awarded £5M from the European Regional Development Fund to launch a £10M Sustainable Materials Innovation Hub.
May 01 2020
University of Birmingham — MRI scanning assists with next generation battery design
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide an effective way of supporting the development of the next generation high-performance rechargeable batteries
May 01 2020
University of Manchester is 3D printing safety equipment for front-line NHS workers
The University of Manchester is repurposing specialised equipment across its campus to help produce safety equipment for NHS workers battling COVID-19.
Apr 29 2020
Respirator developed by University of Southampton introduced on Southampton hospital’s wards
University Hospital Southampton becomes the first healthcare provider to introduce a protective respirator hood, designed at the University of Southampton
Researchers at the University of Leeds are benefiting from Royce’s pioneering deposition equipment to make efficient memory devices using superconductors
Apr 28 2020
Future research and innovation leaders backed through flagship fellowships
Research and innovation leaders of the future will be supported to develop their careers through Future Leaders Fellowships.